Roll A Role: A Game of Non-Verbal Communication (Cards Only) — ChildTherapyToys

Roll A Role: A Game of Non-Verbal Communication (Cards Only)

Product Number : 5039

  • It can be hard for a child to learn how to pick up on non-verbal communication, but this game can help
  • By paying attention to the nonverbal aspects of communication, and helping them by aware of their own nonverbal communication, as well as that used by others
  • Ages 6-10

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Ages 6 to 10. Many children have difficulty reading nonverbal language. They may misread facial cues, posture, gestures, voice tone, or any other subtle aspects of nonverbal communication. This game is designed to help children pay more attention to the nonverbal aspects of communication. It is intended to help them be aware of both of their own nonverbal language, as well as nonverbal language used by others. 2-8 players.

How to Use the cards with the Roll-A-Role Cubes (Cubes sold separately):

Each cube has a pocket in which to insert a card. Players roll the cubes and follow the instructions on the card that turns up. Players win points for using an appropriate "Positive Action" as outlined in the game.


50 Situation cards

6 Number cards

24 Think About It cards

100 Chips
