Respect and Take Care of Things / Respetar y cuidar las cosas — ChildTherapyToys

Respect and Take Care of Things / Respetar y cuidar las cosas

Product Number : 15114241509

  • Part of the Learning to Get Along Series
  • All text is in English and Spanish
  • Also includes a guide for adults with questions and activities

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By Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed.


Everything has a place. Things last longer when we take care of them. In simple words and inviting illustrations, this book teaches children about respect, responsibility, and stewardship. They learn to pick up after themselves, put things back where they belong, ask permission to use other people's things, and practice basic environmental awareness.


Made to be read aloud, this book also includes a special section for adults, with discussion questions to share, games to play, ideas for responsibility role plays, and tips on storing toys and staying clutter-free.

Todas las cosas tienen su lugar. Las cosas duran mucho ms cuando las cuidamos. Por medio de simples palabras e ilustraciones atractivas, este libro ensea a los nios sobre el respeto, la responsabilidad y el cuidado de las cosas. Aqu aprenden a ser ordenados, colocar las cosas en su logar, pedir permiso para usar las cosas ajenas y sobre el conocimiento bsico para el cuidado del medio ambiente.

El libro est diseado para ser ledo en voz alta. Tambin incluye una seccin especial para los adultos con preguntas relevantes para compartir, actividades de juegos para llevar a cabo, ideas para actuar en los juegos de responsabilidad y consejos para guardar los juguetes y mantener las cosas organizadas.


40 pages, 9 x 9, color illustrations, paperback.

About the Author:

Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed. has her master's degree in elementary education and gifted education. The author of the award-winning Learning to Get Along social skills series for young children and a former first-grade teacher, she has taught education classes at Utah State Universityand has supervised student teachers. Cheri and her husband, David, have six children and enjoy the company of their lively grandchildren.